6MM Gap in Teeth – How to Reduce it? Can it Close Naturally?

6Mm Gap In Teeth
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If you are living with a noticeable gap between your front teeth, you likely feel self-conscious about flashing your smile. Especially when that gap is an expansive 6mm space that feels impossible to hide. While a diastema this wide can seem daunting to fix, take heart – this common cosmetic concern has multiple solutions beyond just living with the gap indefinitely.

This article reveals the options, from least to most invasive, that exist to reduce and even close a 6-millimeter divide between your teeth. Discover techniques like orthodontic aligners and teeth contouring to pull teeth closer. Read on to see which option is the best for you.

Can a Gap Close Naturally?

In some cases, particularly among children, gaps between teeth, known as diastemas, can close naturally over time. This natural process is more likely during the transition from baby teeth to permanent teeth, as the emerging adult teeth and the growth of the jaw can help to close spaces that were present during early childhood. The body’s natural growth processes can lead to adjustments in tooth spacing, especially as the larger permanent teeth replace smaller baby teeth and the jaw expands to accommodate them, potentially eliminating small gaps.

However, the likelihood of gaps closing naturally diminishes once a person reaches adulthood. At this stage, the jawbone has typically finished growing, and the permanent teeth have settled into their positions. For adults, natural closure of gaps without any dental intervention is uncommon, especially for larger diastemas or gaps caused by factors such as missing teeth, an oversized labial frenum, or certain habits like thumb sucking.

The ability of a gap to close on its own also depends on the underlying cause. For example, if a gap is due to a temporary condition, such as losing a baby tooth, it may close once the permanent tooth emerges. However, gaps resulting from permanent conditions, such as the proportion of teeth to jaw size or genetic factors, are less likely to close without treatment.

Worth Knowing

Diastema, or gaps between teeth, can occur due to several reasons: an oversized labial frenum blocking the space between teeth, teeth shifting into gaps left by missing ones, the loss of baby teeth in children, habits like thumb sucking that push teeth apart, and a size mismatch between the teeth and jaw, leading to extra spacing.

How to Reduce the Gap in Teeth

Reducing the gap in teeth, or diastema, can be achieved through different dental treatments, depending on the cause and size of the gap. In the following paragraph, we will discuss various methods to close these gaps, that improve both the function and appearance of your smile.


Braces are a widely used method to reduce gaps in teeth, effectively bringing teeth into proper alignment. Through the strategic application of pressure, braces gradually move teeth closer together, closing any unwanted spaces. This orthodontic treatment can be customized to address both minor and significant gaps, making it a universal option for improving dental alignment. Braces help achieve a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile and contribute to better oral health by facilitating easier cleaning and maintenance of teeth.

The length of time required for braces to successfully reduce diastema varies depending on the severity of the gap and the individual’s oral health, so it’s important to consult with a professional orthodontist for the best results.


Veneers are a cosmetic approach to reducing gaps between teeth, ideal for smaller spaces and when the overall alignment is already good. These thin shells, crafted from porcelain or composite material, are attached to the tooth’s front, instantly covering any gaps and creating a uniform appearance. They are designed to match the natural tooth color, ensuring a seamless integration with your smile.

With minimal alteration to the existing teeth, veneers offer a quick and effective way to enhance the look of your smile without the need for more invasive orthodontic procedures.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a straightforward and cost-effective technique for reducing gaps between teeth. In this process, a tooth-colored resin is applied directly to the teeth adjacent to the gap. The resin is then sculpted and polished to blend in seamlessly with the natural teeth, effectively narrowing or closing the space. Bonding is particularly suited for minor gaps and offers the advantage of being less invasive than other cosmetic procedures. It can usually be completed in a single visit, providing an immediate improvement in the appearance of the smile without the need for extensive dental work or long treatment times.

Related post: How to treat diastema.


Aligners are a discreet and modern solution for closing gaps between teeth. These clear, tailor-made trays gently guide teeth to their correct positions over time. Ideal for those with mild to moderate gaps, aligners are favored for their aesthetic minimalism and the convenience they offer, being removable for meals and dental care. Patients progress through a series of aligners, each one bringing the teeth closer to the desired alignment.

Invisible aligners are the perfect choice for people who want a comfortable and affordable solution to tooth repair as they are discreet when worn, are affordable, and offer very efficient results.

See our article: Invisible Braces for Gap Teeth.

See some reviews of the best invisible aligners available here:

Byte Review – The top pick, this aligner is affordable and comes with a free HyperBite and teeth whitening kit. This product also has a lifetime guarantee.



An affordable option with refundable impression kits, free HyperByte, and a Byte for Life guarantee.

Check out Byte Aligners

NewSmile Review – A low-cost option with premium aesthetics this product comes with a free retainer and teeth whitening kit.



Affordable at-home treatment with positive reviews offering superior look and comfort.

Check out NewSmile Aligners

ALIGNERCO – The lowest price and a zero deposit monthly payment plan. A Seasonal discount rate of $945 is also offered.



The cheapest at-home aligners, with monthly plans, no down payment, and considerable discounts.

Check out AlignerCo Aligners


Frenectomy is a surgical procedure that can help reduce gaps between teeth, particularly when the gap is caused by an oversized or abnormal labial frenum—the piece of tissue that extends from the inside of the upper lip to the gum above the upper front teeth. If this tissue is too large or extends too far down, it can create or maintain a gap.

During a frenectomy, this tissue is removed or reshaped, which can allow the teeth to move closer together naturally or with the help of orthodontic treatment. This procedure is often a preliminary step before braces or aligners are used to close the gap fully. The downtime for this procedure is minimal and generally involves a day or so of eating soft foods.  Results tend to appear within three weeks after healing.

See our article: Invisalign With Missing Tooth.


Dental implants are an effective way to address gaps caused by missing teeth. This treatment involves the surgical placement of a titanium post into the jawbone, which serves as a new root for the missing tooth. Once the post has integrated with the bone, a custom-made crown is attached to it, effectively filling the gap. The crown is designed to match the color and shape of the surrounding teeth, ensuring a natural and seamless appearance. Implants not only close the gap but also help maintain the health of the jawbone and the alignment of the remaining teeth, preventing further dental issues.

How to Close the 6MM Gap in Teeth?

A 6mm gap in teeth can be a noticeable challenge in dental aesthetics and function, but there are several effective ways to reduce or close it. While natural closure of such a gap is unlikely, especially in adults, options like braces, aligners, veneers, dental bonding, frenectomy, and implants offer viable solutions depending on the cause and individual circumstances.

Each method has its advantages, whether it’s the comprehensive alignment correction offered by braces and aligners or the quick aesthetic fixes provided by veneers and bonding. In cases related to structural issues like an oversized labial frenum, a frenectomy might be necessary before orthodontic treatment. For gaps due to tooth loss, implants provide a durable and functional solution.

Consulting with a dental professional is crucial to determine the most suitable approach for reducing a 6mm gap, ensuring not only improved aesthetics but also enhanced oral health and functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will It Take to Close a 6mm Gap in Teeth with Braces?

With steady alignment, it will usually take around 8 to 18 months depending on individual factors including the severity of misalignment, age, oral habits, and genetics.

During the treatment, there will be regular dental appointments where the wires or brackets will be adjusted to ensure your teeth remain on track throughout the treatment period.

How Long Will It Take to Close a 5mm Gap with Braces?

The normal range for a 5mm gap is between 6-8 months using braces but is relative to several factors based on an individual’s dental history.

Does a Gap in Teeth Get Bigger with Age?

Teeth are constantly growing and moving and although this is less noticeable in older age it does mean that gaps in teeth can get bigger as age increases, but it can also mean they get smaller too.

Can I Leave a Gap in Teeth Untreated?

Leaving a gap in your teeth untreated may cause further complications down the line, as well as affect your confidence and self-esteem.

If not treated, bacteria can enter the opening and can lead to gum disease or other dental issues.

Can a Gap in Teeth Close by Itself?

Teeth can come together naturally, particularly in children as adult teeth grow and close any gaps. If the gap is over 2mm it is less likely to self-close and treatment may be needed.


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Iza Wojnarowski

Content contributor

Iza is a dedicated content contributor for Toothific. Having worn braces twice and currently using Invisalign to correct a mild overbite, Iza brings a unique perspective to her writing. She spends her time staying updated on the latest dental trends and treatments, ensuring her readers have the most current information for their dental care needs.

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