Can Braces Cause Tooth Sensitivity to Cold?

Can Braces Cause Tooth Sensitivity to Cold
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Braces are an effective way to realign teeth, but the process can sometimes lead to increased tooth sensitivity, especially to cold. As teeth shift and settle into new positions, the inner layers become more exposed and vulnerable to external stimuli. Understanding the causes behind this common side effect empowers patients to take preventive measures during treatment. 

This article explores how orthodontic movement may prompt sensitivity, outlines steps to minimize discomfort, and provides guidance on when to seek a dentist’s expertise for more serious symptoms. 

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a frequent dental problem that causes discomfort or pain when eating certain foods, drinking specific beverages, or when exposed to cold temperatures. This sensitivity usually begins when the tooth’s enamel, which covers the dentin layer containing tiny channels filled with nerve endings, becomes thin or damaged. When this happens, nerve irritation and the associated sensitivity can occur. There are several factors that contribute to this issue:

Enamel Erosion

The enamel, a protective layer on our teeth, can get worn out or damaged due to aggressive brushing, consumption of acidic foods, or habits like teeth grinding. When eroded, the underlying sensitive dentin gets exposed.

Gum Recession 

Resulting often from gum diseases, gum recession reveals the tooth root’s surface, which lacks the protective enamel, leading to heightened sensitivity.

Dental Complications

Cavities, chipped or cracked teeth, and deteriorated fillings can lay bare the internal structures of the tooth. Consequently, such teeth become more vulnerable to external stimuli, causing sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or sour elements.

Worth Knowing

A survey featured in BMC Oral Health reveals that 42.2% of participants experienced sensitive teeth over a 12-month period. The analysis identified significant correlations between tooth sensitivity and several factors, including being female, tobacco use, soft drink consumption, restricted access to dental care, and inadequate oral hygiene practices.

Can Braces Cause Tooth Sensitivity to Cold? – Potential Causes of Sensitivity with Braces

In the previous paragraph, we looked at some of the potential causes behind braces leading to tooth sensitivity. The movement and pressure of orthodontic treatment can prompt enamel wear, gum recession, and inflammation, exposing the inner layers of the teeth. With this new exposure, teeth become more vulnerable to external stimuli like cold.

Now let’s explore how patients can take preventive measures to protect their teeth and minimize discomfort during the realignment process.

Tooth Movement

Braces work by applying force to prompt teeth into desired positions, a process that naturally leads to the shifting and movement of the teeth within the jawbone. As teeth move, areas previously protected by gums or adjacent teeth might become exposed. This exposure can unveil parts of the tooth that are more sensitive, like the cementum, which covers the tooth’s root. 

When these previously shielded areas are exposed to external stimuli, such as cold beverages or air, it can lead to heightened sensitivity and discomfort, given that they are less accustomed to direct exposure.

Enamel Wear

Braces can also contribute to enamel wear. The brackets attached to teeth during orthodontic treatment can be abrasive, especially when paired with specific cleaning tools meant for braces care. 

Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can increase this wear, especially near the brackets. Additionally, consuming acidic foods weakens the enamel, making teeth more prone to damage. 

When the enamel becomes thin or wears away, the dentin below becomes more exposed, increasing tooth sensitivity.

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Worth Knowing

Research in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics highlights dentin hypersensitivity following orthodontic treatment. It was found that 67% of participants reported experiencing this sensitivity, with tactile tests revealing that 56% felt pain in at least one tooth.

Gum Recession

Braces, while effective in aligning teeth, can sometimes be associated with gum recession. The pressure and movement from orthodontic treatment might lead to changes in the gum line. As gums recede, they expose a more sensitive part of the tooth, known as the dentin, which is typically shielded by the gums. This exposure can increase the vulnerability of the teeth to external stimuli, leading to heightened sensitivity. 

Irritation and Inflammation

Braces apply continuous pressure on teeth to align them correctly. This pressure causes minor inflammation in the surrounding tissues due to the movement of teeth. As the teeth adjust, the periodontal ligaments, which connect teeth to the bone, experience stress, leading to localized inflammation. 

This inflammation can amplify tooth sensitivity, especially after braces are tightened. Therefore, individuals with braces might notice increased sensitivity to temperature or touch.

How to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity with Braces

Now that we’ve looked at some potential causes of tooth sensitivity with braces, patients need to know how to reduce discomfort during the teeth realignment process.

Proper Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential to reduce tooth sensitivity while wearing braces. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush, along with daily flossing to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth and around your braces.

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Sensitive Toothpaste

Using toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth can help alleviate discomfort caused by sensitivity. These toothpastes usually contain potassium nitrate or strontium chloride to block pain signals from the exposed dentin to the tooth’s nerves.

Avoid Aggressive Brushing

Avoid aggressive brushing, as it may worsen your tooth sensitivity. Instead, brush gently with a soft toothbrush in an up-and-down motion, rather than a side-to-side motion, to prevent further damage to enamel and gums.

Wait to Brush After Acidic Foods

Acidic foods can soften the tooth enamel, so it is important to wait at least an hour after consuming such foods before brushing your teeth. Giving your saliva time to neutralize the acids will help protect your enamel from being brushed away and reduce sensitivity.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments can strengthen the tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity. Your dentist or orthodontist may apply a professional fluoride gel or varnish treatment during your regular dental check-ups or recommend a fluoride rinse for at-home use.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Attend regular dental check-ups to monitor your teeth for any signs of increased sensitivity or potential issues related to your braces. Your orthodontist may adjust your treatment plan if necessary to prevent further tooth sensitivity.

See also: Dental Cleanings with Braces

When to See a Dentist

It is common for patients with braces to experience some level of tooth sensitivity to cold, as the pressure exerted by the braces can lead to temporary discomfort. However, there is a difference between normal and excessive sensitivity, and it is important to know when to consult a dentist.

Normal Sensitivity

Normal tooth sensitivity often appears as mild discomfort or a brief tingling sensation when exposed to cold foods or beverages. This is a common experience when teeth are adjusting to the pressure applied by braces. As teeth adapt to these changes, the sensitivity generally decreases. During this adjustment period, over-the-counter pain relief medications can help manage the discomfort. 

Moreover, toothpaste designed for sensitivity can further help by strengthening the tooth enamel and reducing the transmission of sensations to the tooth’s nerves, offering more comfort for those with braces.

See also: Tooth Sensitivity – Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Eating Ice Cream?

Excessive Sensitivity

Mild sensitivity is often expected, but excessive sensitivity, marked by intense and prolonged pain when teeth meet cold stimuli, suggests more serious dental problems. This could indicate demineralization, where the tooth enamel loses its mineral content, or the presence of a cracked tooth. It’s essential to seek a dentist’s expertise when experiencing such severe symptoms. 

A dentist might identify the root cause and recommend appropriate treatments such as fluoride applications to reinforce tooth enamel or dental sealants to provide a protective layer and reduce further sensitivity.


Tooth sensitivity, whether due to braces or other dental issues, is a concern that requires careful attention and understanding. Braces, while invaluable in ensuring proper tooth alignment, can introduce or heighten sensitivity due to the various structural changes they cause in our dental anatomy. These include tooth movement, enamel wear, gum recession, and inflammation. 

Fortunately, there are steps individuals can take to mitigate the impact of these changes. Maintaining meticulous dental hygiene, selecting appropriate toothpaste, and seeking timely dental check-ups are paramount. It’s crucial for patients to differentiate between normal and excessive sensitivity, addressing any concerns promptly with a dental professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can whitening strips cause sensitivity?

Yes, whitening strips can cause tooth sensitivity. This occurs because the active ingredients in the strips, commonly hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, penetrate the enamel to reach the dentin layer of the tooth, where they break down stains. While effective for whitening, this process can temporarily make the teeth’s nerve endings more accessible, leading to sensitivity. 

Many individuals report temporary discomfort or a tingling sensation after using whitening strips, especially when consuming hot or cold beverages. However, this sensitivity is typically transient and subsides after discontinuing the use of the strips.

Does sensitive tooth mean cavity?

No, a sensitive tooth doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a cavity. While cavities can cause sensitivity, there are various other reasons for tooth sensitivity. Common causes include gum recession, exposing the tooth’s root; worn tooth enamel, which reveals the underlying dentin; eroded or damaged fillings; and tooth grinding, which can wear down enamel.

Why did my tooth suddenly become sensitive to cold?

Sudden tooth sensitivity to cold can arise from various causes. One common reason is enamel erosion, which can be due to aggressive brushing, acidic foods, or grinding of the teeth, exposing the sensitive underlying dentin. Gum recession, often a result of gum disease or incorrect brushing technique, can expose the tooth root, which lacks protective enamel, leading to sensitivity. 

Dental issues like cavities, cracked teeth, or worn fillings can also expose the tooth’s inner structures to external stimuli. Recent dental procedures, such as fillings or teeth whitening, might temporarily heighten sensitivity. 

Can braces make teeth hypersensitive?

Yes, braces can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. Braces work by applying consistent pressure on the teeth to move them into desired positions. This movement can cause minor inflammation in the surrounding tissues, which might heighten sensitivity, especially after braces are adjusted. Furthermore, the shifting can expose parts of the tooth that were previously shielded, making them more vulnerable to external stimuli like cold or heat. Additionally, braces can sometimes cause enamel wear or gum recession, both of which can contribute to sensitivity.

How long does tooth sensitivity last after braces?

Tooth sensitivity after getting braces is a common experience for many patients. The sensitivity usually arises because the braces apply pressure on the teeth, causing a repositioning within the bone. Typically, this discomfort and sensitivity peak within the first few days after the braces are adjusted and then gradually diminish. For most patients, the sensitivity and soreness last for a few days to a week. However, the duration can vary based on the individual’s pain threshold and the extent of the adjustment made.

Why is my tooth sensitive to cold, but I don’t feel pain?

Tooth sensitivity to cold without the presence of pain can be due to various factors. The most common reason is the exposure of dentin, the layer beneath the tooth’s enamel. This can happen when the enamel becomes thin or if there’s gum recession. Dentin contains tiny tubules filled with nerve endings, and when it’s exposed, stimuli like cold can cause a response, leading to a sensation without necessarily causing pain. Other potential causes include recent dental work, tooth grinding, or the use of teeth-whitening products.


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Iza Wojnarowski

Content contributor

Iza is a dedicated content contributor for Toothific. Having worn braces twice and currently using Invisalign to correct a mild overbite, Iza brings a unique perspective to her writing. She spends her time staying updated on the latest dental trends and treatments, ensuring her readers have the most current information for their dental care needs.

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