Can Dental Impressions Pull Teeth Out?

Can Dental Impressions Pull Teeth Out
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A visit to the dentist often involves making dental impressions. As you sit in the exam chair with a mouth full of unpleasant tasting putty, questions start running through your mind. What exactly are these odd molds made of? What is the process of taking impressions like? And the biggest question plaguing patients’ minds – can dental impressions pull teeth out?

This article will answer all your dental impressions questions and more! We’ll explore what impressions are constructed from, detail the process your dentist uses to obtain these models, and most importantly provide information on whether the suction can dislodge or remove your teeth. From start to finish we will walk you through dental impressions – what they are, why they are taken, and how there is no need to worry they may accidentally extract your pearly whites during the procedure.

What Are Dental Impressions and What Are They Made of?

Dental impressions are physical images of a patient’s teeth and gums, typically created by a dentist to understand the shape and structure of the mouth.

The selection of impression material is based on specific dental requirements, the desired level of detail, and the aim to minimize patient discomfort. Dental professionals commonly use elastomeric materials or alginates to make these impressions. Alginate, derived from seaweed, acts as a gel when mixed with water. It is often used for its ease of use, quick setting time, and effective detail capture.

For more demanding applications requiring enhanced durability and precision, materials like silicone or polyether are preferred. Silicone offers excellent dimensional stability and fine detail reproduction, ideal for complex restorations, while polyether’s rigid consistency and high accuracy make it suitable for use in moist conditions,

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What Is a Dental Impression Used for?

Dental impressions are crucial for designing and fabricating custom dental prosthetics, such as crowns, bridges, and dentures. They are equally crucial in orthodontic treatments, aiding in the creation of braces, retainers, and other devices tailored to correct misalignments and bite issues.

Furthermore, these impressions play a role in diagnostic processes, allowing dentists to assess and plan treatments for various dental conditions, from simple restorations to complex surgical interventions.

Dental impressions are also used beyond restorative and orthodontic applications, including in the production of protective mouthguards for sports, custom trays for teeth whitening, and as part of the preparatory work for certain dental surgeries.

What Does the Procedure Look Like?

The procedure of making dental impressions begins with the dentist selecting an appropriately sized tray that comfortably fits the patient’s mouth. This is an important step to ensure the impression captures the full scope of the oral cavity without causing discomfort.

Next, a special impression material is prepared, which can vary in consistency from a soft, putty-like substance to a more fluid type. This material is then placed into the tray, carefully ensuring it is ready to make an accurate mold.

The prepared tray is gently inserted into the patient’s mouth and pressed against the teeth and gums. The patient is required to remain still for a few minutes while the material sets and hardens, capturing every detail of their oral structures.

Once the material has been set, the tray is carefully removed from the mouth. The dentist then inspects the impression to ensure it is of high quality and has accurately captured the necessary details.

Is the Procedure Painful?

The procedure for taking dental impressions is generally considered to be painless as it is simply a process of making an exact copy of an individual’s teeth and gums from which appliances or restorations can be created. Most patients experience little to no discomfort during the process. The sensation is often described as feeling pressure or fullness in the mouth when the tray with the impression material is inserted, but this is typically not painful.

Depending on the type of material used for the dental impression, the sensation may vary. For instance, some materials such as putty may feel cold against gums or lips, but it shouldn’t hurt. However, some patients might find the experience slightly uncomfortable, particularly if they have a strong gag reflex or are anxious about dental procedures, but overall, the process is quick, straightforward, and largely discomfort-free.

Can Dental Impressions Pull Teeth Out?

The concern that dental impressions could pull teeth out is understandable but largely unfounded. Dental impressions are designed to be a safe and non-invasive procedure. The materials used in dental impressions are soft and pliable when applied and do not adhere strongly to the teeth or gums. Once set, these materials become elastic, allowing for easy removal without applying significant force to the teeth.

Dentists are trained to remove the impression tray gently and carefully to avoid any discomfort or damage. While the sensation of removing the tray might feel strange, it is highly unlikely to dislodge or pull out a tooth.

Alternative to Dental Impressions

In recent years, advancements in dental technology have led to the development of alternatives to traditional dental impressions, with digital intraoral scanning standing out as a significant innovation. This modern approach uses a small, handheld device that captures thousands of detailed images of the teeth and gums, quickly and comfortably.

These images are then compiled into an accurate 3D model on a computer, eliminating the need for physical impression materials. The process is not only more comfortable for the patient, due to the absence of traditional impression materials, but it is also quicker and allows for immediate visualization of the oral cavity in detail.

Digital impressions offer several advantages, such as enhanced patient comfort, efficiency in data capture, and the ability to easily share digital models with dental labs or specialists. This method is especially beneficial for patients who have a strong gag reflex or find the traditional impression materials to be unpleasant.

Worth Knowing

According to a report by the National Library of Medicine, digital impressions have proven to reduce remakes and returns and also increase the overall efficiency of resulting products. The overall experience of the consumer is also a much more positive one.


In conclusion, the concern that dental impressions could lead to teeth being pulled out is largely unfounded. The materials and techniques used in taking dental impressions are designed to be safe, gentle, and non-invasive. While the process might feel unusual, especially during the removal of the impression tray, the risk of dislodging or pulling out a tooth is extremely low. Dentists are well-trained in administering this procedure with care to ensure patient comfort and safety.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can Dental Impressions Pull Out a Crown?

It is very unlikely that your crown can be pulled out when undertaking dental impressions.  However, if the cement used in a crown is temporary or you are having issues with your crown feeling loose there is more of a risk of them being pulled out.


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Birnbaum, N. S., Aaronson, H. B., Dental impressions using 3D digital scanners: virtual becomes reality, Compend Contin Educ Dent, 2008. Available online at:

Cervino, G., Fiorillo, L., Herford, A. S., Laino, L., Troiano, G., Amoroso, G., Crimi, S., Matarese, M., D’Amico, C., Siniscalchi, E. N., Cicciù, M., Alginate Materials and Dental Impression Technique: A Current State of the Art and Application to Dental Practice; Mar Drugs. 2019. DOI: 10.3390/md17010018. Available online at:

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Iza Wojnarowski

Content contributor

Iza is a dedicated content contributor for Toothific. Having worn braces twice and currently using Invisalign to correct a mild overbite, Iza brings a unique perspective to her writing. She spends her time staying updated on the latest dental trends and treatments, ensuring her readers have the most current information for their dental care needs.

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