Dentist and Pregnancy: Is It Safe to Go to the Dentist When Pregnant?

Dentist and Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is a period of joy, anticipation, and numerous physical changes. From the glow on the skin to the baby bump, the transformation is evident. However, what many might not consider is the impact of pregnancy on oral health. Hormonal surges, dietary shifts, and even morning sickness can all affect the health of your teeth and gums. While these changes are natural, they emphasize the importance of dental care during these crucial months. As an expecting mother, you might wonder, “Is it safe to visit a dentist?” 

In this article we explore the relationship between pregnancy and dental health, discussing the effects, risks, and recommended precautions. Read on to ensure the well-being of both you and your baby.

How Will Pregnancy Affect the Mouth?

Pregnancy is a transformative time, not just for the body but also for oral health. Dental care is essential during this time for the health of the expectant mother and her baby. 

The surge in hormones and other physiological shifts can have direct repercussions in the mouth:

Hormonal Changes and Their Effects on Gums and Teeth

During pregnancy, hormonal changes may lead to increased gum inflammation and vulnerability to dental plaque. This can result in gums that are more prone to bleeding and increased sensitivity to dental issues. 

Pregnancy Gingivitis: Symptoms and Prevalence

Pregnancy gingivitis is an early stage of periodontal disease experienced by nearly 60 to 75% of pregnant women. Symptoms include red, swollen gums that may bleed easily. This condition can be aggravated by the changing hormones during pregnancy, and if left untreated, it can lead to more severe gum disease and potential tooth loss. 

Increased Risk of Cavities Due to Dietary Changes and Morning Sickness

Pregnant women are more likely to experience cavities due to dietary changes and increased sugar consumption. Additionally, morning sickness can cause stomach acid to erode tooth enamel, further increasing the risk of cavities. 

Worth Knowing

The study published in BMC Pregnancy Childbirth revealed that only 20% of the women surveyed underwent an oral examination before becoming pregnant, while 38.5% did so intentionally after confirming their pregnancy. 24% of the participants cited a lack of awareness regarding the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene during pregnancy.

Dental Issues Faced in Pregnancy

Pregnancy can lead to several dental challenges due to hormonal changes. The relationship between hormones and oral health can result in conditions that particularly affect expecting mothers:

Gum Disease

During pregnancy, fluctuating hormonal levels can make gums more susceptible to bacterial infection, leading to gum disease. This condition, often manifesting as swollen, bleeding gums, is termed pregnancy gingivitis. If not addressed promptly, it can escalate to more severe periodontal diseases, which might pose risks not just to the mother’s oral health but potentially impact the unborn child’s health too.

Tooth Decay

Pregnancy often brings dietary changes, including increased sugar intake, that can enhance the risk of tooth decay. Additionally, bouts of morning sickness expose teeth to stomach acids, weakening enamel and making them more prone to cavities.

Pregnancy Tumors

Although rare, some pregnant women may develop pregnancy tumors, which are non-cancerous growths on the gums. These usually disappear after giving birth, and treatment may only be necessary if they cause discomfort.

Safety of Dental Treatments During Pregnancy

Dental treatments during pregnancy require careful consideration due to the physical changes a woman experiences. In this paragraph we will provide information on common dental procedures and their safety during pregnancy:

Dental Cleaning During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings about various changes in a woman’s body, and this includes her oral health. Hormonal fluctuations can increase inflammation and irritation in the gums, leading to pregnancy gingivitis. Additionally, morning sickness and changes in diet often lead to an increased risk of tooth decay. Despite these oral health changes, dental cleanings during pregnancy are not only safe but also recommended for maintaining good oral hygiene.

The American Dental Association advises continuing routine preventive dental care throughout pregnancy. Cleanings allow your dentist to monitor for any problems arising from hormonal changes. Thorough cleanings also keep plaque buildup in check, preventing progression to more severe gum disease which has been linked to preterm birth. The ideal time for a cleaning is during the second trimester when morning sickness has subsided and the belly is not too large to lie back comfortably. 

Worth Knowing

Both the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) state that dental X-rays can be safe during pregnancy if appropriate shielding is used. 

Dental Fillings During Pregnancy

Dental fillings are important for reducing the chance of infection during pregnancy. It is generally safe to undergo this treatment, especially during the second trimester when risk to the fetus is lowest. 

The main consideration is properly positioning a pregnant patient during longer procedures. Rather than lying completely flat, your dentist should have you partially sit up or frequently shift positions using pillows. This prevents lightheadedness or back pain from extended time reclining.

See also: Orthodontics During Pregnancy

Teeth Pulling During Pregnancy

Teeth pulling, or tooth extraction, during pregnancy, is a procedure that requires careful consideration. While it’s typically safe, the ideal time for any elective dental procedure is during the second trimester. This period offers a balance where the fetus is less vulnerable compared to the first trimester, and the physical discomfort for the mother-to-be is usually less than in the third trimester. 

Root Canal Treatment During Pregnancy

Root canal treatment addresses severe tooth decay or infection, and delaying this procedure can lead to more significant complications. While it’s preferable to postpone elective dental procedures until after pregnancy, root canal treatment, when necessary, is generally deemed safe during pregnancy. The second trimester is often considered the most optimal time since the first trimester holds a higher risk for fetal development, and by the third trimester, lying down for extended periods might cause discomfort for the mother.

Anesthetics During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, dental care is considered safe, and various local anesthetics can be used without posing risks to the mother or baby. Commonly used local anesthetics like lidocaine have no restrictions during pregnancy and are far preferable over sedatives or general anesthesia.

Sedation and general anesthesia have greater risks to the fetus as they require medications that can cross the placenta and potentially impact development. If sedation is absolutely required, it should be very brief and limited to the second trimester when risks are lowest.

Worth Knowing

Due to the heightened risk of teratogenic effects from drug exposure during the first trimester, it’s recommended to postpone dental treatments until after the second trimester, provided these treatments are routine and not emergent.

X-Rays During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the decision to undergo dental X-rays should be made with caution. While modern X-ray machines emit very low amounts of radiation, it’s often recommended to delay non-urgent X-rays until after delivery. 

For dental emergencies, X-rays can be taken, but it’s important to shield the abdomen and thyroid. Digital X-rays, which emit up to 90% less radiation than traditional film, are a preferred option. 

If an X-ray is necessary during pregnancy, inform the dental team to ensure they follow safety protocols to protect both the mother and child. Proper precautions can minimize any potential risk from the radiation.

Both the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) state that dental X-rays can be safe during pregnancy if appropriate shielding is used. 

Dentist and Pregnancy – Conclusion

In summary, pregnancy is a period of significant change that extends to oral health, with hormonal fluctuations, dietary shifts, and morning sickness all potentially impacting the health of teeth and gums. Conditions such as pregnancy gingivitis and increased cavity risk highlight the importance of dental care during these months. Despite potential concerns, dental procedures like cleanings, fillings, and even X-rays can be safely performed during pregnancy, particularly in the second trimester, with appropriate precautions.

The American Dental Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists affirm the safety of necessary dental treatments during this time, emphasizing the importance of maintaining oral health for the well-being of both mother and baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to go to the dentist when pregnant?

Yes, it is generally safe to visit the dentist during pregnancy. In fact, it’s important for expectant mothers to maintain good oral health as hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of gum problems. However, it’s crucial to inform your dentist about your pregnancy and any medications or treatments you are undergoing.

Do I need to tell my dentist I’m pregnant?

Yes, it’s important to inform your dentist if you are pregnant. When you are expecting, your oral health is closely connected to your overall health and that of your developing baby. There are a few key reasons you’ll want your dentist to know:
– They may recommend more frequent cleanings and checkups to monitor changes in your oral health. Pregnancy hormonal changes can increase risk for things like gingivitis.
– They can make sure any dental treatment is safe.
– They can give you tips on caring for your teeth and gums during pregnancy. Proper oral hygiene helps reduce risks.

What trimester of pregnancy is safe to come in for a dental cleaning?

It’s generally safe to come in for a routine dental cleaning during any trimester of pregnancy. The American Dental Association recommends continuing regular preventive dental care throughout pregnancy to help keep your mouth healthy.

The second trimester (weeks 13-28) is often considered the ideal and safest time for a cleaning. During the first trimester, some women experience morning sickness that can make lying back in a dental chair uncomfortable. The third trimester brings physical challenges as the belly grows.

Can I get a root canal while pregnant?

Most dental professionals say it is safe to get a root canal during pregnancy. With a few precautions, the risks are low. Your dentist will likely avoid using certain medications, take X-rays only when necessary, and make sure you are comfortable lying back in the dental chair. Local anesthesia is considered safe. Let your dentist know you are pregnant so they can take steps to minimize any risks. Getting a root canal taken care of while pregnant can help prevent more serious problems from developing later on.

Is it safe to have a tooth X-ray when pregnant?

It is generally considered safe to have a dental X-ray during pregnancy, especially if it’s essential for emergency dental work. However, it’s crucial to inform your dentist about your pregnancy. They will take necessary precautions, such as using a lead apron to shield your abdomen, to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus. While the radiation from dental X-rays is low, limiting unnecessary exposure is always recommended. If the X-ray isn’t urgent, it may be postponed until after the pregnancy.

Can an infected tooth harm my unborn baby?

Yes, an infected tooth can potentially harm your unborn baby. Dental infections during pregnancy have been linked to an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight. Bacteria from an infected tooth can enter the bloodstream and spread to the uterus, amniotic fluid, and baby. An abscessed tooth is especially dangerous. See your dentist promptly if you have tooth pain, swelling, or other signs of infection during pregnancy. Treating the issue quickly with a root canal or tooth extraction can help prevent complications. 

Can a dentist pull an infected tooth while pregnant?

Yes, it is generally safe for a dentist to extract or pull an infected tooth during pregnancy. An abscessed or infected tooth that is not treated can pose a greater risk to the health of both the mother and baby. Getting an infected tooth taken care of promptly can help prevent the infection from spreading and causing more serious complications during the pregnancy. 

With some precautions, removing an infected tooth while pregnant poses minimal risk. Your dentist will likely avoid certain medications, limit X-rays, and make sure you are comfortable during the procedure. Local anesthesia is considered safe. 

What should be avoided at the dentist’s office during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it’s important to avoid dental treatments that aren’t urgent, especially during the first trimester. This includes elective procedures like teeth whitening and non-essential X-rays. Inform your dentist about your pregnancy to avoid medications and anesthetics that may not be safe for the fetus. While dental cleanings are safe, lying flat for extended periods can be uncomfortable, so positions should be adjusted. If a procedure is necessary, the second trimester is often the safest time. 

Do I need to tell my dentist I’m pregnant?

It’s important to tell your dentist if you’re pregnant or planning to be. Pregnancy has a direct effect on oral health, so your dentist should be aware to give the right care. Sharing this information early on allows your dentist to monitor your oral health closely and adjust treatments and procedures accordingly.


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Iza Wojnarowski

Content contributor

Iza is a dedicated content contributor for Toothific. Having worn braces twice and currently using Invisalign to correct a mild overbite, Iza brings a unique perspective to her writing. She spends her time staying updated on the latest dental trends and treatments, ensuring her readers have the most current information for their dental care needs.

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